Saturday, March 13, 2010


Have you ever felt hopeless? When you know that going for it means a certain death but you still want to make that mistake?

Life is life. Uninteresting. Those in it however, makes it interesting to watch. People are, by nature, stupid. They fight for something and rationalize that what they are doing is right. For instance, a detective catches a bank robber because he believe that it's the right thing to do. The bank robber on the other hand believes that if he is capable of robbing a bank, he's entitled to the money, because he simply can. So for now take off the moral values tinted glasses and think. What if robbing the bank is not the "wrong" choice? What if stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor is the right thing to do? Would the detective still do his job? Would the bank robber be hailed as a hero because he took the high moral ground?

Social norms dictate what we should and shouldn't do. Human beings have distorted views. We are what we are, hopeless and stupid. Which brings me back to the first sentence.

Have you ever felt hopeless?
I have.
So do I want to make that mistake?
We are stupid after all, so why not take the leap.


Friday, June 06, 2008


RM 2.70...So that's what happen when the world's oil price rises. The price of oil rise to RM2.70. However there is one thing that's bothering me though...If the price of chicken rises, we could safely assume that the chicken sellers would obviously make more money. So now the price of oil had risen...and last time I check, our country sells them.
Oh and uhh...welcome to my humble blog.
And what a time to start one don't you think?

Yours truly, - D -

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